Professional Bio


Andrew Leach is an energy and environmental economist and is a Professor at the University of Alberta.  He has a Ph.D. in Economics from Queen’s University, a B.Sc (Environmental Sciences) and M.A. (Economics) from the University of Guelph and an L.L.M. from the Faculty of Law at the University of Alberta.  His research spans energy and environmental economics with a particular interest in climate change policies and the law. Outside of work hours, his free time is spent with his two kids, cycling or arguing on Twitter.


Andrew Leach is an energy and environmental economist and is a Professor at the University of Alberta.  His research spans energy and environmental economics with a particular interest in climate change policies and the law.

Academic CV

5 thoughts on “Professional Bio”

  1. Hi Andrew,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas with our group today. Your presentation was very informative and provided valuable insights on the future challenges and opportunities of the oil sands. I look forward to reading more of your work and following this blog in the future. Best of luck in your time at EC.

  2. I enjoyed the discussion back and forth on Twitter. I did not realize that you are THAT Andrew Leach.

    Like you, my father has a PhD in Economics (from Yale). He taught at Western and then UBC, before joining the federal government where he spent 26+ years, as an ADM in various departments, before being a senior public policy expert in the PCO (Michael Werneck worked for him, by the way). I vote Conservative, and he doesn’t; we have good, healthy discussions.

    The Calgary Rugby Dad (David Robinson)


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